Sangha open short “Dhamma Training School” for young teachers

Headman of Wan Nong Ping (Ho Khuet region) village and its Sangha opened a short Dhamma Training school for young teachers to be trained on 1 October.

The opening ceremony were attended by Ven. Pinnya Wunntha of Sa Khan Thar region, Ven. Jao Aww Jing Tha of Wan Khai Lung monastery, Ven. Dhamma Sarmi of Tangyan Township and Lung Zarling, Wan Khai Long village chief to deliver speeches and give the blessing to Dhamma class started at 9 pm.

There would be 140 young teachers and 8 monks as trainees and 10 teachers participating in the Dhamma class, would only take fives days to complete the courses.

This is the 9th of the training and was started its 1st since 2014, with the aims of to protect Shan State, Religion, Literature and Language and successfully thrive in hand of younger generations.



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